Monday, September 1, 2008

Grape fruit

I have been trying to eat fruit, It has been very hard. I can't find anything that I don't gag on. Last week I tried cantaloupe, I didn't like the taste. I tried green grapes, I think it was mostly the taste and the texture. Well this morning I tried grape fruit. It was OK. I only ate 1/2, and I could only chew it for a second and then have to swallow it (again the texture issue). I just have to keep eating them and I know I will learn to like fruit.

Lately I've been feeling my husband don't give me enough support about my weight loss. I know he's a person that has a hard time showing and expressing his feelings. But it would mean a lot to me if he could tell me that I'm doing good, or looking good. Maybe I'm being dumb about it, but I like to hear when I'm doing good. It gives me more motivation.

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